新关注 > 信息聚合 > 100秒聊游戏第17期 沙盒仙侠网游《诛仙世界》评..

100秒聊游戏第17期 沙盒仙侠网游《诛仙世界》评..

100 seconds Chat Game 17 sandbox Xian Xia online games "kill celestial being world" rating..

2015-08-25 18:27:50来源: 电玩巴士


welcome to 100 seconds Chat Game, today brings is evaluation demo of perfect world of independent research and development of the domestic first sandbox Xian Xia online games "kill celestial being in the world". Game tells the story of kill celestial being age Shura destroyer no when, in desperation ghost severe with the player to return to the past intentions change now.

标签: 游戏 网游 诛仙