新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《诛仙世界》情空御风测试活动福利大放送


"Kill celestial being world" feeling empty Yufeng testing activities welfare big broadcast Sina

2015-08-19 19:26:40来源: 新浪

在《诛仙世界》开启“情空御风”删档测试之际,为感谢玩家们一路以来的陪伴和建议,《诛仙世界》针对此次测试开启了五大福利活动,参与活动的玩家有望获得永久测试资格及大量仙豆、灵石、点卡及豪华奖品,更有可能在游戏或官方途径见到自己的作品哦! 【活动之一:全民捏脸大赛】 活动时间:8月18...

in "kill celestial being" open "feeling empty Yufeng" delete files test on the occasion, to thank the players since the way the company and suggestions, "kill celestial being in the world" for the test opens the five welfare activities, participated in the activities of the players is expected to obtain permanent qualification test and a large number of senzu beans, Lingshi, cards and luxury prizes, are more likely to see their work in a game or official way Oh! One of the activities of the whole nation to face competition in the event of time: August 18...

标签: 诛仙