新关注 > 信息聚合 > 7年研发 科幻小说改编网游《异域》将登录Steam

7年研发 科幻小说改编网游《异域》将登录Steam

The 7 years R & D science fiction adaptation of online games "exotic" will be logged Steam

2015-08-18 17:37:05来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 8月18日消息,根据纽约时报畅销排行榜科幻作家泰德·威廉斯(Tad Williams)知名作品系列《Otherland》(暂译:异域)改编的同名科幻网游将于8月26日登录Steam Early Access,该作采用虚幻3引擎制作,历时7年研发。 早在2008年,游戏开发商...

Sina game hearing news on August 18, according to the New York Times best-selling list of science fiction writer TAD Williams (TAD Williams) well-known works series "Otherland" (provisional translation: exotic) adaptation of the same name science fiction online games will be on August 26, log on steam early access, for the use of the Unreal 3 engine production, which lasted 7 years of research and development that a. Back in 2008, game developers...

标签: 网游 Steam