新关注 > 信息聚合 > 论暴雪制作《魔兽争霸4》的可能性 希望渺茫

论暴雪制作《魔兽争霸4》的可能性 希望渺茫

On the possibility of Blizzard production of Warcraft 4, the possibility of

2015-08-14 14:51:35来源: 17173

玩家看到暴雪考虑开发《魔兽争霸4》消息可能会引起小骚动,那么现在是时候冷静讨论一下开发《魔兽争霸4》的可能性有多大。 先放结论:希望渺茫。 暴雪有一支RTS(即时战略游戏)团队在《星际争霸2》项目组,而《星际争霸2》的剧情快要结束了,版本也更新的差不多了,这支团队可能会开发下一款...

players see Blizzard consider the development of Warcraft 4 message may cause a small stir, then it is time to cool down on the development of Warcraft 4, the possibility of a large. To put the conclusion: the hope is slim. Blizzard has a RTS (instant strategy game) team in the StarCraft 2 project team, and the StarCraft 2 story is coming to an end, the version is also updated almost, this team may develop the next one...

标签: 暴雪