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额外掉魂玉 网游《大国》秦始皇的蜕变

Additional terrified jade net swims "powers" of Qin Shi Huang Transformation

2015-08-12 19:52:20来源: 新浪

由冰川网络研发,迅雷游戏代理的国战新游《大国》即将在8月27日迎来不限号内测,六朝穿越争霸,谁能一统江山,无限悬念即将揭晓。 在不删档测试后《大国》迎来了数次版本更新,在最新的版本中“千年皇陵”副本得到了加强,在击杀秦始皇后有几率出现终极BOSS“超级秦始皇”,击杀它后将100%获得...

by glaciers network of R & D, thunder game agent national war travelogue "big" is in August 27, usher in not to limit the number of closed beta, Six Dynasties through hegemony, who can dominate the landscape, infinite suspense is about to be revealed. In the test does not delete files after the "big" ushered in several versions of the update, in the latest version of the "Millennium mausoleum copy has been strengthened, in to kill the emperor has a chance to appear" super ultimate boss "Qin Shi Huang, kill it will be 100%.

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