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《传奇永恒》试玩:记忆的裁决 盛大诚意网游

The eternal legend "Demo: memory of the ruling Grand sincerity online

2015-08-06 19:12:09来源: 178游戏网

【本文由178新游戏频道原创 转载请注明出处】 8月6日下午两点,盛大十五年诚意之作北斗工作室自研力作《传奇永恒》开启封测,南瓜很幸运拿到了激活码,作为传奇的铁粉,第一时间进入了游戏,第一次接触的边界村、宏伟壮观的比奇城、没日没夜砍各种半兽人的沃玛森林,想知道这款充满一代人记忆的游戏...

[in this paper by 178 new game channel original reproduced please indicate source] at two in the afternoon on August 6, grand fifteen years sincerity as compass studio from research masterpiece," the legend of the eternal "open beta, pumpkin is very lucky to get the activation code, as the legend of iron powder, the first time entered the game, first contact with the border village, magnificent beach city, day and night to cut all the orcs of the woma forest, want to know that this is a generation memory game...

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