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Tencent WeTest quality of open platform settled Tencent cloud

2015-08-03 17:52:09来源: 比特网

2015年7月31日的ChinaJoy,WeTest质量开放平台在腾讯云展台上正式亮相。腾讯云游戏行业全生命周期解决方案再添强势产品,WeTest平台下手游测试、舆情监控、压测工具GAPS将陆续进驻腾讯云服务市场。这一亮相也宣告了腾讯希望协助游戏开发者打造“精品”的决心。 WeTes...

2015 in July 31, ChinaJoy, WeTest quality open platform in Tencent booth officially unveiled. Tencent cloud gaming industry wide life cycle solutions and then add a strong product, WeTest platform hand travel tests, public opinion monitoring, pressure measurement tools GAPS will be stationed in the cloud services market. This debut also announced that Tencent hopes to help game developers to create a fine resolution. WeTes...

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