新关注 > 信息聚合 > CJ鲜料:爱游戏鲜肉DJ帅气打碟 惹洋妞登台热舞

CJ鲜料:爱游戏鲜肉DJ帅气打碟 惹洋妞登台热舞

CJ fresh material: game meat DJ handsome love DJing provoke babes on stage dance

2015-08-03 11:49:27来源: 电玩巴士

7月30日至8月2日,一年一度的ChinaJoy在上海新国际博览中心上演。活动期间,每个场馆都是人气爆棚,各个展台的活动也可谓精彩纷呈,cosplay、show girl走秀、游戏体验等活动嗨爆全场。本届CJ上,许多游戏厂商都大打“颜值牌”,电信爱游戏邀请了一枚鲜肉DJ助阵,帅气逼人的D...

7 month on the 30th August 2nd, the annual ChinaJoy in Shanghai New International Expo Center staged. During the event, each of the venues are bursting with popularity, each booth activities can be described as brilliant, cosplay, show girl on the catwalk, game experience hi the audience burst. The CJ, many game companies are playing "Yan value card," and telecom love game invites a pieces of meat DJ cheer, handsome and threatening the d...

标签: 游戏