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Let us waiting! "The oriental story" the summer version of the on-line games

2015-07-23 19:48:21来源: 多玩游戏

亲爱的东粉们!让你们久等了!经历了漫长的等待,经历了开发组日日夜夜的奋战,燃情夏日版本终于要和大家见面了!我们努力想你所想,实现大家一直在期待的功能与玩法,愿这个版本能带给大家不一样的惊喜。 燃情夏日,嗨玩到底 【更亲民,挑战玩法大升级】 在这新更新中,60级试道大会将重新开...

East dear fans! You have to wait so long! After a long wait, experienced team of fighting day and night, the summer version to meet you finally! We strive to think you want to achieve the function of the people have been looking forward to the game, and may this version will bring you a surprise. Legends of the summer, hi to play in the end [more populist, challenging gameplay upgrade] in this latest update, 60 test assembly will be re opened.