新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘点动漫中女角们的超暴力行为 《乱马 》天道茜..

盘点动漫中女角们的超暴力行为 《乱马 》天道茜..

Inventory animation Donna are ultra violence "Ranma" Tao Qian..

2015-07-23 18:50:56来源: 中国行业研究网

现阶段日本动漫人气一直据居高不下,而暴力本是让人笑不出来的事,但是在日本的动漫就另当别论了,女性对男性施加的暴力不管是多么的残酷,都会引人大笑,所以说女孩子们一定暗藏着邪恶的暴力性格,就让我们来看看哪些女角们如此暴力行径吧! 成濑川奈留《纯情房东俏房客》 被打的人通常飞到空中然后...

stage popular Japanese anime has been according to high, violence is the what makes people laugh out, but in the Japanese animation is another matter, women of male violence whether how cruel, can cause people to laugh, so that girls some hidden evil character of violence, let us look at what Donna had such acts of violence. Naruse Kawanaru "love hina" beaten often flew into the air and then...