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情念六生新征程 《新仙剑》资料片今日上线

Feeling read six new journey, the "new legend" piece of information on-line today

2015-07-17 11:57:22来源: 07073游戏网

一朝御剑二十载,一念相思思六生!《新仙剑》为庆祝不删档测试两周年、仙剑二十周年及《仙剑六》发售,今日特别推出两周年资料片,并于下午14:00开启资料片同名首服“情念六生”。新的伙伴,陪你踏上新的征程;新的故事,为你带来新的感动;新的朋友,与你结下新的缘分。 【两周年送祝福,仙剑六激活码...

once sword 20 years, reads Acacia think six students! "New legend" to celebrate does not delete files test the twentieth anniversary of the anniversary, legend and the legend of the six "sale, today launched the second anniversary of the piece of information, and in the afternoon 14:00 open piece of information self titled debut service" idea, six students ". New partners, to accompany you to embark on a new journey; new story, to bring you a new move; new friends, and you have a new fate. [two anniversary to send blessings, the immortal sword six activation code...