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擂台上的女特警高倩:习武塔沟武校 追求搏击荣誉

In the female swat sunny: kung fu tower ditch school The pursuit of fight honor

2016-03-29 21:22:18来源: 新浪

高倩 2016年4月8-9日,国内顶级搏击赛事昆仑决41将空降青海省会西宁,在这个素有“西海锁钥”美誉的世界高海拔城市,来自世界各地的数十位格斗名家将在西宁市海湖新区体育馆展开一场“再与天比高”的强强对决。在这些实力强劲的选手中,有一位出身武警部队,并曾在昆仑决三亚站中取得优异成绩女...

Sunny April 8-9, 2016, domestic martial arts competition of kunlun by 41 to airborne qinghai provincial capital, xining, in this world has the reputation of "the key to the west sea" high altitude city, famous artists from all over the world dozens of combat will embark on a new stadium in xining city hai lake "day than high again" big. In these strong players, there was a born armed police forces, and had to get a good mark in the kunlun definitely stand in sanya female...