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新学期教育新政惠百姓 天津职业教育开招本科生

The new semester education benefit the people of the New Deal Tianjin vocational education for undergraduates

2016-02-22 15:36:57来源: 中国青年网

今天,本市中小学生迎来开学第一天。昨天,记者从市教委获悉,新学期,本市将实施一系列教育惠民措施,努力办好每一所学校,让学生们尽享优质教育资源。 针对入园难题,本市将启动实施学前教育五年行动计划(...

Today, the city's primary and middle school students in the first day of school. Yesterday, the reporter learns from the municipal education commission, the new semester, the city will implement a series of education huimin measures, efforts to do a good job in every school and make the students enjoy the high quality education resources. In view of the problem into the garden, the city will start the implementation of preschool education five years plan of action (...