新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贺天举两替身皆无亮点 京媒意外韩德君两扣不中

贺天举两替身皆无亮点 京媒意外韩德君两扣不中

The day for two avatars are not bright spot Beijing media accident Han Dejun two buckle miss

2016-03-19 20:31:32来源: 网易

韩德君在比赛中令人意外的出现了两扣不中的情况。 贺天举歇了 韩德君急了 郭士强哭了 赛前一天回沈阳疗伤,比赛当日就立刻赶回成都,郭艾伦、贺天举、刘志轩24小时内奔波数千公里,三人是否能出战一直没...

Han Dejun surprisingly appear in the match the situation in the two can't do it. He day for rest Han Dejun nasty Guo Shijiang cried One day before the game back to shenyang healing, the event day immediately back to chengdu, pg, and days for traveling thousands of kilometers, Liu Zhixuan 24 hours, if three people will be available for hasn't been...