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勇士掌旗NBA新风向:完全不依靠中锋 后卫主宰

Warriors palm's NBA New Direction: don't depend on Center defender dominate

2015-06-18 09:24:48来源: 中国新闻网

2014-2015赛季NBA总冠军昨天产生,金州勇士4比2击败克利夫兰骑士,时隔40年重夺NBA总冠军,科尔也成为33年来首位带队夺冠的菜鸟教练。 □收获 勇士掌旗NBA新风向 第六场比...

2014-2015 NBA championship yesterday, the Golden State Warriors 4 than 2 beat the Cleveland Cavaliers, after a lapse of 40 years to regain the NBA championship, Cole has also become 33 years to the first notch won the rookie coach. - harvest warriors flag NBA new wind field than sixth...