新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成都25对新婚青年携手关爱留守儿童


Chengdu 25 pairs of wedding Qingnian Caring Hands Children Left Behind

2016-04-15 07:36:13来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 新婚青年们正在与留守儿童共书画卷。 中新社记者 钟欣 摄 参加爱心公益活动的“家人们”与开心的留守儿童合影。 中新社记者 钟欣 摄 4月14日,来自中建三局成都分公司、中建西部建设西南公司的25对新婚青年作为“临时爸妈”,来到成都高新区东华育才学校,与留守儿童一起度过难...

Newly married young people are involved in the interaction with the children left behind in a total volume painting. China news agency reporters Zhong Xin and She Cenjia love public service activities "home people" and happy children left photo. China news agency reporter Zhong Xinshe April 14, from the construction of three branch offices in Chengdu, in southwest Western Construction Company built 25 newly married young people as "temporary parents" went to the Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, Donghua Yucai School, and left-behind children spend hard ...