新关注 > 信息聚合 > 引爆长沙解放西路 “GoFun街拍”盛大开启

引爆长沙解放西路 “GoFun街拍”盛大开启

Detonated Jiefang West Road in Changsha "street GoFun beat grand opening of Hunan press

2015-05-30 23:44:10来源: 中国新闻网湖南新闻


the Chinese News Net every summer, young people in the city always lead the trend of liberation road. The new bar, the most popular clubbing gameplay, and, of course, wearing a stylish, fan, know well groomed their influx of people, they are Changsha the entertainment are the richest people the spirit of entertainment. And this is the glory of energy, drunk youth...