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GIF-鲁尼门线解围后撞柱挂网 小胖为欧洲杯拼了

Pole hanging net for chubby European Cup spelled GIF- Lunimen line after the rescue

2016-04-24 04:15:11来源: 网易

网易体育4月24日报道: 曼联和埃弗顿的足总杯半决赛,前12分钟鲁尼是场上表现最好的球员,如果没有他的及时回追,曼联就会丢球,而如果队友把握机会能力强点,那鲁尼就已经助攻曼联也领先了。 第5分钟...

Netease sports on April 24, reported: Manchester United and Everton in the FA Cup semi-final, 12 minutes before Rooney is best player on the field performance, if but for his timely return chasing, Manchester United lose the ball, and if his teammates to grasp the opportunity ability strengths, Naluni has assists Manchester United collar first. Fifth minutes...