新关注 > 信息聚合 > ARPU值更高? 《仙侠道2》引领经典游戏IP新格局

ARPU值更高? 《仙侠道2》引领经典游戏IP新格局

Higher ARPU? "2" Xian Xia Road leading the new pattern of the classic game IP

2016-05-27 13:03:41来源: 新浪

近年来,“当IP被瓜分后,又该如何突围”的言论,引发了业内人士的广泛讨论,有人说自研IP,也有人说IP循环再利用,众人为此争论不已。 在当今游戏市场,IP大致可分为经典游戏、动漫作品、历史名著、...

In recent years, when IP was carved up, and how to break out of the remarks, sparked widespread discussion in the industry, it was said that since the research IP, it was also said that IP recycling, the public debate. In today's game market, IP can be roughly divided into classic games, animation works, historical masterpiece,...

标签: 游戏