新关注 > 信息聚合 > BAT 抢滩雄安,百度在布怎样一个局?

BAT 抢滩雄安,百度在布怎样一个局?

BAT break into male Ann, baidu in a bureau of cloth?

2017-12-22 03:43:10来源: 砍柴网

雄安新区自成立以来就自带热点光环,近日其曝光率又明显增多。原来是得到了马云马化腾李彦宏三巨头宠爱,BAT 纷纷对雄安新区 出手 了。百度在 AI 探索上一直秉持 开放理念 ,吸纳各方资源共荣共生,这一策略将大大提升 AI 战略落地应用的速度。

Male Ann district since its establishment will bring hot halo, recently its exposure and increased obviously. Turned out to be the ma ma li three giant pet, BAT against male Ann district in succession. Baidu has been holding open on AI exploration idea, absorb the resources co-prosperity coexistence, a strategy that will greatly improve the AI strategy application landing speed.