新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梅洛暴力扣杀现场DJ险被砸 黑哥淡定接球笑呵呵

梅洛暴力扣杀现场DJ险被砸 黑哥淡定接球笑呵呵

Merlot violent smash live DJ insurance smashed black brother calm catch laugh ha ha

2015-12-02 18:06:03来源: 新浪

现场DJ接住梅洛的暴力扣杀 新浪体育讯 北京时间12月2日消息 2015年国际网球超级联赛日本神户站在今天拉开大幕。阿联酋皇家队和新加坡冲撞队打响了揭幕战,比赛中搞怪连连,笑声不断。 伯蒂奇/...

DJ catch Merlot violent smash of sina sports news Beijing time on December, 2015 International Tennis Super League Kobe station today opened the curtain. The royals and the Singapore team started the opener against the game again and again, funny, laughter. Bertic...