新关注 > 信息聚合 > 邓萃雯李连杰成龙梁朝伟 揭明星应对外遇的手段

邓萃雯李连杰成龙梁朝伟 揭明星应对外遇的手段

Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Tony Leung star Broader exposing means to deal with the affair

2014-04-19 10:18:40来源: 山东新闻网

李连杰和前妻黄秋燕是什刹海体育运动学校的同门师姐弟。两人朝夕相处20年,可谓青梅竹马、两小无猜。因两度合作,1986年两人结婚,生有两个女儿。 1989年利智和李连杰合作拍片时,开始介入李连杰的...

Jet Li and his ex-wife Huang Qiuyan Shichahai Sports School is the same door division siblings. Both daily life for 20 years, described as childhood, Liangxiaowucai. Because twice cooperation, the two married in 1986, had two daughters. 1989 Facilitation and Jet Li Zhi cooperation during filming, Jet Li began to intervene in the ...