新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前夫孙志浩热恋名模林若亚 贾静雯:别想当后妈

前夫孙志浩热恋名模林若亚 贾静雯:别想当后妈

Husband Sun Zhihao love supermodel Lin Ruo Ya Alyssa: Do not try when the stepmother

2013-04-19 04:32:08来源: 人民网

孙志浩、林若亚 人民网4月19日电 据台湾《联合报》报道,贾静雯和前夫孙志浩离婚近3年,男方现有女友林若亚相陪、恋情正热,贾静雯反而被传女女恋,身边无对象,今年过年期间孙志浩带着女儿梧桐妹出游,林若亚一脸乐当“小妈”模样,3人互动状似一家3口,被问会不会担心女儿被孙志浩的女友抢走?贾...

Sun Zhihao, Lin Ruo Ya People April 19, according to Taiwan's "United Daily News" reported that Alyssa and her ex-husband Sun Zhihao divorce nearly three years, the man existing girlfriend Lin Ruo Ya Xiangpei love is hot, but transferred female female love Alyssa, beside no object, this year during the Chinese New Year hao Indus sister traveling with her daughter, Lin Ruo Ya face the music when the "little mother" look, three people interaction seemed a 3, will be asked do not worry about her daughter was snatched hao girlfriend? JIA ...