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Electric shop Qing gathers together "8, 18"

2013-08-15 09:28:23来源: 新浪

继去年的“8・15”价格战后,昨日各大电商陆续推出店庆专题促销活动,8月18日作为争夺战的重要节点引得电商店庆高潮扎堆来袭。 为了争夺客户,各路电商云集“8・18”,除京东、苏宁、国美、易迅等综合性电商外,乐蜂网等垂直类电商企业也加入其中。记者从食品领域垂直电商中粮我买网获悉,中粮我...

following last year's "8, 15" price war yesterday, each big electric launched anniversary special promotional activities, as an important node of electric anniversary in August 18th attracted climax gathers together the battle for the incoming. In order to compete for customers, various electric gathered in "8, 18", in addition to Jingdong, Suning, Gome, Yi Xun comprehensive electric business, Lasafo vertical electric business also joined. Reporters from the food field of vertical electric COFCO I buy I learned, cofco...

标签: 电商