新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成海璃子与男友山下翔平吸烟被拍(图)


Narumi Riko Shohei smoking mountain with her boyfriend was shot (Figure)

2014-01-17 22:49:40来源: 大众网

山下翔平现年23岁,身高184公分,是日本知名模特,去年曾作为四个品牌代表参加巴黎时装周。由于两人身高差较大,成海璃子要抬着头说话,山下翔平则屈身靠近她仔细听。期间成海璃子双手会放在衣兜里,并没有和山下翔平牵手或者挽着他,不想引起关注。 成海璃子和男友山下翔平一起吸烟 成海璃子资料图...

Shohei Yamashita now 23 years old, height 184 cm, is a well-known Japanese model, last year as a four brands represented at the Paris Fashion Week. Because of the height difference between the two is large, Narumi Riko speak to head high, near the foot of Shohei then bowed her listen. During Narumi Riko will be placed in the hands pocket, and no mountain Shohei and holding his hand, or do not want to cause concern. Narumi Riko and her boyfriend smoking mountain Shohei Narumi Riko together data plan ...