新关注 > 信息聚合 > 标致308 R HYbrid谍照曝光 四秒破百

标致308 R HYbrid谍照曝光 四秒破百

Peugeot 308 r hybrid spy photos exposure four seconds broken hundred

2015-07-01 11:15:50来源: 人民网

近日标致CEO Maxime Picat在社交网站上发布了两张标致308混动性能版车型——308 R HYbrid测试车谍照。据悉标致308 R HYbrid使用了混合动力系统加上四驱动力布局,只需...

recently Peugeot CEO Maxime Picat on social networking sites released the two Peugeot 308 hybrid performance version of the model -- 308 r hybrid test car spy photos. It is reported that the Peugeot 308 R HYbrid uses a four-wheel drive hybrid system with dynamic layout, only...