新关注 > 信息聚合 > 揭秘中国女足的“双核”:研究皮尔洛和哈维


Secret of the Chinese women's "dual core": on Andrea Pirlo and Harvey

2015-06-16 17:58:03来源: 新浪

新华社加拿大温尼伯6月15日体育专电 题:研究皮尔洛和哈维的“混搭姐妹”——揭秘中国女足的“双核” 新华社记者岳东兴 马邦杰 一个是留着短发、不爱多说的“假小子”,带有北方女孩的质朴和腼腆;...

Xinhua Canada Winnipeg 6 month 15 Sports News Title: Study on Andrea Pirlo and Harvey "mix and match" sister -- "dual core" secret of the Chinese women's Xinhua News Agency reporter Dong Xing Ma Bangjie A is with short hair, not to say love "tomboy", with the girls in the north plain and shy;...