新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全球传染病防治有了“中国方案”


The global prevention and treatment of infectious diseases has the "China"

2017-03-22 14:29:40来源: 光明网

光明网讯(记者宋雅娟) “传染病防治专项实施以来,我国鉴定发现了H7N9病毒、‘超级细菌’等一批有重要公共卫生意义的新病原体,研发了中东呼吸综合征等输入性传染病的病原感染检测试剂”,3月21日,中国...

Kwangmyong dispatch (reporter ya-juan song) "infectious diseases prevention and control of special, found H7N9 virus identification in our country," superbugs "such as a batch of new pathogens have important public health significance, research and development of the Middle East respiratory syndrome type of sexually transmitted diseases such as pathogen infection detection reagent", on March 21, China...