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李子君晒照白T恤配牛仔裤 大秀时尚简约范儿

Zi-jun li sun shine on white T-shirt with jeans fashion contracted rocks

2016-03-21 12:11:51来源: 网易

网易体育3月21报道: 昨天,花滑女神李子君在个人社交网络上晒出多张美照,照片中的李子君戴着墨镜,围着粉色围巾,搭配简单的白色T恤和牛仔裤,风格清新脱俗。李子君配文:“周末愉快~ 赛前最后一个休...

Netease sports on March 21 reported: yesterday, the goddess of skating zi-jun li more than a Zhang Meizhao on personal social network, the zi-jun li in the photo in dark glasses and a pink scarf, with a simple white T-shirt and jeans, style is pure and fresh and free from vulgarity. Zi-jun li a caption: "have a nice weekend ~ before finally a Hugh...