新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日皮划艇协会猛批东京奥组委 新比赛场根本不能用

日皮划艇协会猛批东京奥组委 新比赛场根本不能用

Japanese kayaking Association strongly approved the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee's new competition.

2016-10-28 09:38:58来源: 新浪

报道截图 新浪体育讯 由于在申办奥运会的时候,故意隐瞒了修建设施的费用,将预定的将近600亿日元设施修建和整备费改为了91亿日元,所以日本东京等于是靠着撒谎才得到奥运会申办权的。 当下,因为...

Reported screenshots Sina Sports News in the bid for the Olympic Games, deliberately concealed the cost of building facilities, nearly 60 billion yen of facilities to build and complete the scheduled fee changed to 9.1 billion yen, so Tokyo, Japan is equivalent to rely on lying to get the right to bid for the Olympic Games. Now, because...