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什么门派适合什么特技 梦幻西游手游特技选择探索

What school for what stunt Fantasy Westward Journey to explore

2015-05-12 18:03:03来源: 4399

特技可以说是梦幻的一大特色, 因为有着特技的存在才让PK等玩法显得更加跌宕起伏,那么在梦幻西游手游中特技是否能跟端游一样发挥出那么强大的优势和奇效呢?一起和4399挽歌来看看梦幻西游手游特技选择探索吧~ 和端游不同,在《梦幻西游》手游中,由于只有六个门派,而且门派主流加点和端游有所偏差...

Mobile Games stunt stunt can be said to be a major feature of the dream, because a stunt makes PK gameplay more ups and downs, so whether the stunt in the Fantasy Westward Journey, with the end of the tour as Mobile Games can play such a powerful advantage and effect? With the 4399 elegy to have a look Mobile Games stunt Fantasy Westward Journey to explore it ~ and the end of the tour, in the "Fantasy Westward Journey" Mobile Games, with only six sects, and martial art mainstream point and the end of the tour have deviation...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游