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剧版《致青春》受原著粉丝支持 导演:细节取胜

Youth drama version of "to the original fans support director: details to win

2016-07-17 10:39:17来源: 国际在线

荆楚网消息(记者 柯文)自7月11日起在东方卫视梦想剧场开播以来,电视剧《致青春》引发了许多观众的热烈讨论。原著粉丝纷纷表示,比起电影版,电视剧版对人物和情节的还原度更高。大多观众对《致青春》从场景到演员的选择十分认可,认为他们不仅本身就极富青春气息,对角色的把握也很得当,演技集体在线。...

News of network of chaste tree hunan (kelvin) since July 11, broadcasting in eastern TV dream theater, TV series "to" created a lot of the audience a heated discussion. The original fans have said, compared with the movie version, the series of characters and the plot reduction degree is higher. Most of the audience for "to" very recognition, from the choice of scenarios to actors think they are not only itself is extremely the youth breath, was also properly, to the grasp of the role acting group online. ...