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《维京蘑菇》预告片曝光 预计明天同步登陆双平台

The Viking mushroom trailer exposure is expected tomorrow synchronous landing platform double

2015-07-21 11:25:00来源: TechWeb

如果你喜欢横版过关游戏的话,一定不要错过这款由游戏工作室 MobaGe 打造的《维京蘑菇 Viking Mushroom》,该作无论在色彩鲜艳的画面还是幽默趣味的整体风格上都酷似育碧经典的雷曼系列。目前开发商还在紧张开发中,预计本作将在明年同步登陆双平台!一起先来看看预告吧! 正如游戏...

if you like horizontal clearance version of the game, must not miss this created by game studio MobaGe "Viking mushroom Viking mushroom", the both in the colorful picture or humour of the overall style similar to Ubisoft classic Lehman series. Current developers are still in the development of tension, is expected to be synchronized in the next year to visit the dual platform! Let's look at the preview! As the game...