新关注 > 信息聚合 > 发烧级游戏本华硕N551JM4200武汉报5500


Have a fever level game this Asus N551JM4200 Wuhan reported 5500

2015-03-24 22:13:26来源: 中关村在线

【中关村在线武汉笔记本行情】华硕笔记本是一款定位于家庭娱乐用的笔记本,其在配置上采用了第四代酷睿处理器内存以及的硬盘,既能保证运行速度又能保证存储空间,不得不说的是其还采用了 GTX 860M发烧级...

[Zhongguancun online Wuhan notebook market] Asus notebook is a positioning in the Family Entertainment Notebook, uses the fourth generation core processor memory and hard disk in the configuration, which can guarantee the running speed and can ensure the storage space, have to say is also adopted the GTX 860M level have a fever...

标签: 游戏