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魔王寨奇经八脉调整 三个字总结大削弱

Adjustment of MWZ eight extra meridians three words summarize undermine

2015-09-30 15:06:39来源: 17173

魔王最近在武神坛大放异彩,动辄上万的秒伤,简直不让其他法系玩了。来看看这次经脉修改对MW动的刀子吧,先看第一层 以下原效果对比: 总的来说,第一层,就是将牛劲的感知和驱散的效果分开了,不能又感...

devil recently in Wu altar shine, hundreds of thousands of a second injury, practically does not allow other law play. To look at modifying the meridians MW knife, first look at the first layer below the original effect comparison: total, the first layer is separate niujin perception and dispel effects can not be.