新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL里有这么一件事,我相信99%的LOL玩家都干过!


LOL have so one thing, I believe that 99% of all LOL players worked!

2016-01-08 15:25:56来源: 东北网

我相信LOL的绝大多数小伙伴都干过下面要说的这件事,当然不是登录游戏买皮肤,也不是匹配排位,这些都只是日常不能划分为事情! 有一件事,不管你初生牛犊刚来联盟,不论你是钻石王者,不论你是妹纸还是汉子,大神还是坑货你们一定干过,就是打人机! 可以这么说,即便你现在是大师、是王者,但是...

I believe that the vast majority of LOL has done the following to say about it, of course not log in the game to buy skin, also not match position, these are not divided into daily things! There is one thing, no matter you baby calf came to union, whether you are a single person, whether you are a girl or a man, a great god or pit goods you have done, is to make the man-machine! You can say that, even if you are the master, is king, but...

标签: LOL 玩家