新关注 > 信息聚合 > “年轻化、全球化” 阿里巴巴全球102对新人在杭举行集体婚礼

“年轻化、全球化” 阿里巴巴全球102对新人在杭举行集体婚礼

"The younger, globalization" alibaba global 102 couples collective wedding held in hangzhou

2017-05-10 17:29:36来源: DoNews


May 10, is that alibaba's annual "ali day". This year, alibaba has held executive meeting with friends and family, the collective wedding, ali cultural treasure trip, Teamday theme activities to celebrate this festival in the tradition of 13 years, capital markets also sent a gift in the day, ali value on the $300 billion mark, into the first camp of listed companies around the world. 102 pairs of ali the couple dressed in Chinese style longfeng existing in alibaba hangzhou xixi campus marriage, including from the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, India and other alibaba employees abroad. Today is ali staff zero distance of relatives and friends feel days of alibaba, global more than 10000 relatives came to ali park, visit relatives experience working environment. Ali inside in order to encourage the public and the positive energy, the couple are in the public interest when the highest Cui Jie, 125 hours of complete public welfare, participated in the downwind car driver, changle farm planting trees, hangzhou public welfare...