新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小米推出增强版红米2A 内存升至2GB售549元

小米推出增强版红米2A 内存升至2GB售549元

Millet launched an enhanced version of red rice 2A memory rose to 2GB sale of 549 yuan

2015-09-07 11:02:32来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】 在今年3月31日举行的小米5周年米粉节新品沟通会上,小米推出了廉价版的红米手机红米2A,售价仅为499元。现在,小米为红米2A推出了增强版,内存升级为2GB RAM+16GB ROM组合,售价则为549元。 小米推出增强版红米2A 内存升至2GB售549元...

[Yesky News Channel News] in Millet held on March 31 this year, the fifth anniversary of the rice Festival new communication, millet launched a cheap version of the red rice red rice phone 2a, priced at just $499. Now, millet red rice 2A launched an enhanced version of the memory upgrade for the RAM+16GB ROM 2GB combination, the price is 549 yuan. Millet launched enhanced version of red rice 2A memory rose to 2GB for 549 yuan...