新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新秦时明月手游刺秦英雄荆轲解析


New warlords moon mobile game jing ke qin dynasty hero parsing

2016-01-20 18:15:47来源: 4399

《新秦时明月》手游最新资料片“神技觉醒”已于1月19日震撼上线! 现在让我们来看一下第一位英雄——荆轲在游戏中的表现吧。 刺秦英雄荆轲 荆轲在手游中的定位是刺客型英雄,他拥有类似白凤的切入后排的技能,但是在他伤害惊人的同时,血量和防御也是相对薄弱。 荆轲大招爆发 荆轲的大招可以直...

"New warlords moon" mobile game the latest expansion "awakening" the god and technique has rocked on January 19 on-line! Now let's look at the first a hero - jing ke's performance in the game. Jing ke qin dynasty hero Jing ke in the swim of positioning is the assassin hero, he has the similar baifeng cut into the back of the skills, but at the same time of his injury, HP and defense is also relatively weak. Jing ke big outbreak Jing ke tricks can straight...

标签: 手游