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九阴真经手游雪斋剑法强不强 雪斋剑法获得详解

Jiuyinzhenjing Mobile Games Sessai swordsmanship strong Sessai sword get detailed

2015-07-22 17:19:22来源: 4399

九阴真经手游雪斋剑法好不好?九阴真经手游雪斋剑法残卷要怎么获得?小编将为大家讲解一下雪斋剑法技能效果以及获得方式。 获得方法: 1.禁地(几率获得) 2.世界BOSS(几率获得) 3.狱下之狱(几率获得) 风霜雪影 实招|范围 半圆3米|冷却时间 0秒 |消耗 无 寒锋魅影,...

jiuyinzhenjing Mobile Games Sessai swordsmanship is good? Jiuyinzhenjing Mobile Games Sessai canjuan swordsmanship to how to get? Xiao Bian will explain the snow effect and the ways of obtaining vegetarian swordsmanship skills for everyone. Method: 1. Forbidden (chance) 2. The world's boss (chance) the expenditure of 3. Under the prison prison (chance) 3 meters | wind Xueying Shizhao | semicircle cooldown 0 seconds | no phantom of the cold front.

标签: 手游