新关注 > 信息聚合 > 假货成灾的五常大米怎么才能买到真的 蚂蚁金服的区块链技术帮助打假

假货成灾的五常大米怎么才能买到真的 蚂蚁金服的区块链技术帮助打假

Fake goods by the five permanent members of the rice how can I get really ant gold block chain technology help impact

2018-08-28 23:46:15来源: TECH2IPO创见

黑龙江五常因地处偏北,水质清甜零污染,五常大米因此被《舌尖上的中国》评为「中国最好的稻米」。但造假的阴影也因此如影随形。五常市政府寻求科技的力量为这张东北名片正名。8 月 28 日,五常市政府与阿里巴巴集团旗下天猫、菜鸟物流及蚂蚁金服集团展开全面合作。其中引人关注的是,五常大米将引入蚂蚁金服区块链溯源技术。从 9 月 30 号开始,五常大米天猫旗舰店销售的每袋大米都有一张专属「身份证」。用户打开支付宝扫一扫,就可以看到这袋米从具体的「出生」地,用什么种子、施什么肥、再到物流全过程的详细溯源记录。据了解,五常大米天猫旗舰店是其线上销售最重要的渠道,2017 年双 11 当天,其天猫店销售额就达 ...

Heilongjiang the p5 is located in the north, water quality sweet zero pollution, the p5 rice, have been "on the tip of the tongue of China" as "the best rice in China. But the shadow of fraud has therefore follow you. At the government for the power of science and technology to the northeast business card name. The amount of government on August 28, with the Tmall alibaba, rookie logistics and ant gold group, full cooperation. Tellingly, the p5 rice will introduce ant gold block chain traceability technology. Start from September 30, the p5 rice Tmall flagship store sales of every bag of rice has an exclusive "id card". User opens the pay treasure to scan, you can see this bag of rice from the concrete "born", what kind of seeds, what fertilizer, and then to the whole process of logistics traceability records in detail. It is understood that the p5 rice Tmall flagship store is the most important channels to its online sales, double that day in 2017, its sales Tmall shop...

标签: 区块链