新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4K画面《赤壁之战》带你重回唯美三国


4K picture "battle of Red Cliff" take you back to the Three Kingdoms

2015-03-24 11:09:04来源: 新浪

赤壁之战 CGWR 得分 CGWR:370 位 CGWR介绍 以三国为背景的首款国战竞技游戏《赤壁之战》,在还原三国史诗故事的同时,采用高清粒子特效,打造2.5D游戏极致画面,还原三国真实场景。在这里你可以带心爱的人一起享受悠闲的静谧时光,去雪原感受满地银白的磅礴气势,还有如炼狱...

hunkering Sina CGWR score CGWR:370 CGWR introduced the first country sports game "battle of Red Cliff" to the Three Kingdoms as the background of the Three Kingdoms, in the reduction of epic story at the same time, using the HD particle effects, to create the ultimate 2.5D game screen, reducing three real scene. Here you can take a loved one to enjoy a leisurely quiet moments, to feel the boundless imposing manner with silver white snow, there are such as purgatory...