新关注 > 信息聚合 > Dopa国服帐号被盗幸好盗号者将帐号归还


Dopa dress account theft fortunately, handing over to return the account

2016-04-23 10:46:45来源: 和讯网

作为韩国路人王,多次登顶排位第一的实力选手Dopa,被称谓英雄联盟实力最强的几个人之一,相传Dopa是为数不多的可以掉打Faker的玩家。不过玩家虽然说是这么说,但Dopa和Faker大魔王的关系还是蛮不错的。而作为这样一名知名玩家,前几日却在微博上爆料出,国服英雄联盟帐号被盗。 Do...

King of passers-by as South Korea, many times one's strength the qualifying Dopa, called the most powerful hero alliance, one of the few mouth Dopa is one of the few players can drop a Faker. But the player, although say so, Dopa and Faker archenemy relationship was pretty good. And as such a famous players, but a few days ago on weibo broke out, the hero alliance account theft. The Do...