新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电商中心主任曹磊为新加坡企业高管剖析零售业O2..


Business center director Cao Lei as the Singapore corporate executives analysis of retail O2..

2014-12-17 16:29:05来源: 医药网

医药网12月17日讯 12月9号,中国电子商务研究中心主任曹磊受邀再次来到上海交大,参加由新加坡中华总商会和上海交大共同举办的“新加坡国际商业伙伴计划”。 图为曹磊和学员合影 在此次“新加坡国际商业伙伴计划”国际商业伙伴计划高级管理课程培训班中,曹磊做了《线上线下(020)传统零...

medicine network December 17th news on December 9th, China e-commerce research center director Cao Lei was invited again to attend the Shanghai Jiaotong University, jointly organized by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Shanghai Jiaotong University "Singapore International Business partnership". The graph is Cao Lei and students group photo in the "Singapore International Business Partnership Program" international partners plan to senior management training courses in the class, Cao Lei made "the line (020) the traditional zero...

标签: 电商