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乱斗西游天涯追缉玩法攻略 天涯追缉怎么玩

Tianya, West scuffle hunting gameplay Raiders Tianya hunting for how to play

2015-06-26 12:12:07来源: 4399

乱斗西游天涯追缉玩法攻略,乱斗西游天涯追缉怎么玩。简单的说来,我们认为这个就跟公安局的警察叔叔立案抓小偷然后升官差不多。下面就一起看看玩法流程吧。 那么首先是天涯追缉令介绍: 1:天涯追缉将在闯关通关第11章之后开启,点击奇遇界面天涯追缉按钮即可选择追缉任务; 2:初级任务默认...

scuffle West skyline hunting play the Raiders, Tianya, West scuffle hunting for how to play. Simply speaking, we think that this is the case with the Public Security Bureau police catch the thief and then promoted almost. Let's look at the play process. So first Tianya double jeopardy introduction: 1: Tianya hunting will open after the checkpoints clearance Chapter 11, click the skyline of the adventure interface hunting button to choose hunting task; 2: primary task default...