新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《死亡同步》评测:剧情超越了玩法的解谜之作


"Synchronous" evaluation of death: story beyond the puzzle gameplay

2015-08-26 10:19:54来源: 任玩堂

如果给你一项超能力,代价却是世界末日,并且你也将不久于人世,你会愿意吗? 由独立游戏工作室 Fictiorama Studios 推出的 Dead Synchronicity《死亡同步》就是这样一个主题的冒险解谜游戏,在去年4月份的时候游戏就开始众筹准备上市,而在上周它就顺利发布了移动...

if give you a super ability, cost is the end of the world, and you will die soon, you will be willing to do? Launched by the independent game studio Fictiorama studios dead Synchronicity "death synchronization is such a theme of adventure puzzle game, in last April when the game began to raise public listed, and last week it successfully released a mobile...