新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国SEC:马斯克违背和解协议,发推文前从未寻求批准


The SEC, musk, against settlement, never seek approval before sending tweets

2019-03-19 21:41:46来源: IT之家

据美国财经媒体CNBC报道,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)周一向法官表示,自从特斯拉与SEC达成和解协议以来,特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)每次在发布有关特斯拉的推文时,从未事先寻求批准。去年9月,SEC曾向纽约州南区联邦地区法院提交起诉书,指控马斯克涉嫌欺诈。SEC当时称,在此前的特斯拉私有化事件中,马斯克发布了“错误的和具有误导性的”声明。但很快,SEC、特斯拉和马斯克就达成了和解协议,特斯拉和马斯克同意分别支付2000万美元达成和解。此外,马斯克还将卸任特斯拉董事长。今年2月19日,马斯克又发布推文称:“特斯拉在2011年生产了0辆汽车,但到2019年将达到50万辆左右。”...

According to the financial media CNBC reported that the U.S. securities and exchange commission (SEC) to judge on Monday, said since tesla and SEC settlement agreement, tesla CEO Elon Musk, (Elon Musk) each time in a tweet about tesla, never seek approval in advance. Last September, the SEC has submitted a complaint to the federal district court for the southern district of New York, accused of musk alleged fraud. The SEC said at the time, in the previous tesla privatisation, musk issued "false and misleading statement. But the SEC, tesla and musk quickly reached a settlement agreement, tesla and musk agreed to pay $20 million to settle, respectively. In addition, musk will also outgoing tesla chairman. February 19, musk and publish tweets said: "tesla produced 0 car in 2011, but by 2019 will reach 500000 or so." ...