新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微信公众平台小心 乱发企业红包将被封号

微信公众平台小心 乱发企业红包将被封号

Micro channel public platform carefully recklessly envelopes of enterprises will be Title

2015-07-25 22:09:06来源: 亿邦动力网


7 month on the 25th, learned billion state power network, micro letter team recently will for micro channel public platform through the benefit induced users concerned about the account or sharing behavior to make a thorough investigation and blow. Billion state power network learned that micro channel public platform operating rules specified in, micro channel public platform ban business or businesses for marketing purposes, to benefit induce users to concern the public accounts and share its contents. And the recent number of public use of small businesses to make use of the function of small businesses to induce the attention and sharing. Such as public use of enterprise payment function, built in imitation of a micro channel red message, the user points after opening the link must first focus on the public account to receive the petty cash payments. Or businesses use business payment function, when the user clicks or share graphic messages can be received payment of corporate, and in the event page, that language, recorded details such as message contain statements that induce sharing. Micro channel team issued a notice that if such a situation once found, will be severely hit, to the violation of the public...