新关注 > 信息聚合 > 打造自运转音乐生态体系,看区块链技术如何颠覆音乐界


Create a music ecological system and see how block chain technology overturn music

2018-03-20 11:31:00来源: 品途网


Blue fox in 2017 began to focus on some of the music industry chain blocks, such as Opus and Voise, also think that combines the technique of block chain, to restore the music industry. Now in the music industry, for example, AppleMusic and services such as music streaming media platform won 80% of the revenue, a lot of the famous musician is very difficult to get enough income by these music streaming media platform. Fans also because of copyright issues, often have to switch in different platforms, caused a lot of trouble. Music industry to improve and optimize the place has a lot of, this is the chance to block chain technology, it through technology to change the existing incentive mechanism in the industry, so as to restore the whole music industry, and finally form a more fair and transparent system of music industry, let all the participants, including the user can be gained. In the research block...

标签: 区块链