新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌、Twitter、Facebook都被告了 理由竟然为:它们是恐怖组织的帮凶

谷歌、Twitter、Facebook都被告了 理由竟然为:它们是恐怖组织的帮凶

Google, Twitter, Facebook, the defendant Reason to: they are a terrorist organization

2016-06-17 11:19:00来源: 站长之家

据外媒报道,日前谷歌、Twitter、Facebook被人告上了法庭,原告指控这三家公司为恐怖组织(如ISIS 的活动比提供了“实质性的支持”,具体是怎么回事呢?

Before, according to foreign media reports, Google, Twitter, Facebook, were to court, the plaintiff accused the three companies as a terrorist organization (such as ISIS activity than provides the support of the "material", is how to return a responsibility?

标签: 谷歌